Workato Interview Prep Series - Intermediate Level - Part 1

Workato Interview Prep Series - Intermediate Level - Part 1

In the last series we have discussed about the Basic level interview questions.

This article is solely focused more on the Intermediate conceptual based question in Workato.

  1. What are Data Pills ?

    Data Pills are output data from a trigger or action step. They serve as variables that enable you to map business logic into recipe steps.

  2. How do you handle data type conversions (e.g., string to integer, date formatting) during data mapping?

    Workato supports a variety of string formulas and other data transformation functions that allow you to convert data types during mapping. For example, you can use string formulas to manipulate text data or convert strings to integers as needed.

  3. Explain how you would use the Pluck function to extract specific fields from a list of objects.

    The pluck function is part of Workato' list and hash formulas. It allows you to extract specific fields from a list of objects, simplifying data extraction and manipulation within your recipes.

  4. What are the best practices for handling null or missing values in data mapping?

    Workato provides conditional formulas that allow you to handle null or missing values effectively. For instance, you can use conditional statements to check if a value is present before performing operations, ensuring that your recipes handle data gracefully.

  5. What are Variables in Workato?

    Variables in Workato are used to store temporary data within a recipe. They can be utilized to hold values that may change during the execution of a recipe, allowing for more dynamic and flexible workflows.

  6. What is the validity of a variable in the recipe?

    Variables in Workato are valid within the scope of the recipe execution. They are used to store temporary data that can be accessed and modified throughout the recipe's run.

  7. Why do we use lookup tables in Workato?

    Lookup tables in Workato are used to store reference data that can be accessed across multiple recipes. They are useful for mapping values, storing configuration settings, or maintaining state information that needs to persist beyond a single recipe execution.

  8. How many columns can we create in a lookup table?

    Lookup tables in Workato support a maximum of 10 columns.

  9. What is the maximum number of entries that are allowed in a lookup table?

    Each lookup table can contain up to 100,000 entries.

  10. How many rows can we fetch for the action "Get all entries" in a lookup table?

    The "Get all entries" action retrieves only the first 10,000 entries from a lookup table.

  11. What is a Recipe Function? Why and when do we use it?

    Recipe Functions in Workato allow you to build recipes that can be called from other recipes. This promotes modularity and reusability, enabling you to separate repeatable sets of actions into recipes that can be reused across your workflows.

  12. What is Synchronous and Asynchronous action in Recipe Function?
    Synchronous - the calling recipe waits for the function to complete before proceeding.
    Asynchronous - Allows the calling recipe to continue without waiting for the function to finish, which is useful when subsequent steps don't depend on the function's outcome.

  13. What are the limitations of Recipe Functions?

    Recipe functions have a maximum queue size of 10,000 jobs. Additionally, they should be designed to avoid excessive complexity to maintain performance and readability.

  14. What is the difference between "Truncate Entries" and "Delete entries" in Lookup Table?

    Truncate Entries - Removes all entries from a lookup table but retains the table structure allowing for new data to be added later.
    Delete Entries removes specific entries based on defined conditions, providing more granular control over the data.

  15. What are the limitations of lookup tables, and how would you handle scenarios where the data exceeds these limits?

    A) Lookup tables can hold a maximum of 10,000 rows.

    B) To handle scenarios where data exceeds this limit, consider using Workato's Data Tables, which support up to 1,000,000 records and 100 columns per table.

  16. How do you implement bulk processing in Workato to handle large datasets efficiently?

    Implement bulk processing by using batch actions provided by connectors, such as "Add entries Batch" for lookup tables, to process multiple records simultaneously.

  17. What are the challenges of batch processing, and how do you ensure data consistency and accuracy?

    Challenges include error handling, data latency, and resource management. Ensure data consistency by implementing robust error handling, data validation, and monitoring system performance.

  18. Can you explain how to use the batch trigger to process data in chunks?

    Configure a batch trigger to retrieve data in specified batch sizes, process each batch sequentially, and handle continuation to fetch subsequent batches until all data is processed.

  19. How do you configure error handling in a recipe to ensure it doesn’t fail unexpectedly?

    Use the "On Error" step after actions

  20. How do you use the on-error action to handle specific exceptions in a recipe?

    Place the "On Error" step immediately after the action that may encounter an error, and within this step, specify the actions to perform when an error is detected, such as logging the error or executing alternative steps.

  21. The Monitor block can be conditionally retried up to how many times?

    3 Times

  22. How do you parse and process a CSV file in Workato?

    Use the Parse CSV action to convert CSV data into a list of records, then iterate through the list to process each record as needed.

  23. Can you explain how to generate a CSV file dynamically and send it as an email attachment?

    Create a CSV file by defining the headers and rows dynamically, use the Create CSV file action to generate the file, and then attach it to an email using the Send email action.

  24. What is the max number of lines that can be converted using Parse CSV ?

    The "Parse CSV" action can handle up to 10,000 lines.

  25. Types of Authentication methods available in Workato using HTTP Connector?

    The HTTP Connector supports various authentication methods, including Basic Authentication, API Key, OAuth 2.0, and Custom Authentication.

  26. What are the best practices for managing API keys and sensitive data in Workato?

    Environment Properties or use Encryption and store the data in Lookup table (Subjected to change based on Organization standards)

  27. Can you explain how to handle pagination in REST APIs when fetching large datasets?

    Implement pagination by configuring the HTTP connector to handle paginated responses, using parameters like Page or Offset to retrieve subsequent data chunks until all data is fetched.

  28. What are the best practices for handling API rate limits and timeouts in Workato?

    Monitor API rate limits, implement retry logic with exponential backoff for rate-limited or timed-out requests, and use Workato's error handling features to manage retries and failures gracefully.

  29. What are SQL collections by Workato?

    SQL Collections by Workato allow you to create temporary in-memory tables to perform complex data manipulations and queries within your recipes.

  30. How do you handle nested JSON or XML data in Workato? Can you provide an example of transforming nested data into a flat structure?
    Use JSON Parser by workato , This allows you to transform nested JSON data into a flat structure for easier processing in your recipes.

This document solely focuses on Data Transformation , Lookup tables , Recipe Function , CSV by Workato , HTTP and Error and Troubleshooting. Rest of the concepts will be published in the next article.

To Learn more - Visit (Workato Wizards) Where you will find Concepts of workato and Exercises and tips.

Happy Learning.

Pavan Srikar N